On March 20 and 21, 2023, CDSD 2023 Conference with the theme “Construction Digitalisation for Sustainable Development: Transforming through Innovation” took place at the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE). The conference was organized with the sponsorship of the British Council, Royal Academy of Engineering (United Kingdom), Vingroup Innovation Fund (VinIF) (Vietnam), Glodon Vietnam Company, Construction Co., Ltd. Lam Pham (Vietnam).
Following the success of the 1st CDSD 2020, the 2nd CDSD held in March 2023 is part of a series of events aiming to celebrate the 60th anniversary of training (1963-2023), 55th anniversary of establishment (1968-2023) of Faculty of Economics and Construction Management. The conference was held in conjunction with events within the framework of the project "Innovation and Breakthrough Technology: Innovating Small and Medium Enterprises through Breakthrough Technology and Rapid Prototyping (3D Printing)" which has been launched since July, 2019 (BC HEP Project 2019). The project leader is Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), United Kingdom, funded by British Council (HUCE and Institute of Construction Investment Manager were assigned to implement this Project).
On the international side, the conference was attended by scientists - experts from Manchester Metropolitan University - United Kingdom, National Taiwan University, University of Malaya - Malaysia, National University of Laos, etc. On the side of HUCE, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoang Giang – Vice Rector, Dr. Nguyen Lien Huong – Dean of Faculty of Economics and Construction Management; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen The Quan - Director of the Institute of Construction Investment Management. The conference has attracted great attention from scientists - lecturers and students inside and outside the university. In addition, the conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Construction, professional organizations and associations, related businesses and news agencies and press reports.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoang Giang - Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering speaking at the opening of the conference
The opening session and plenary session of the conference took place on March 20, and there were 9 presentations presented (Essential set of skills for Economic construction engineers in digital transformation of construction industry; Industry 4.0 and construction industry; Building information modelling facilities management (BIMFM): Experience from Malaysia; BIM in irrigation works: experience from IICM-HUCE; Open source cloud-based BIM automation and collaboration platform; Digital transformation for construction sustainability: A multi-level approach, Ordsall Chord – How to build modern rails; 5D BIM practice in construction projects, ERPCons: solutions for comprehensive management of construction enterprises and construction investment projects). On March 21, there was 06 detailed thematic sessions focusing on the main topic of the conference, detailed topics include:
– Topic 1: Digital Ecosystem for Construction Engineering and Economics Management.
– Topic 2: Building Information Modeling, Big Data and Data Management.
– Topic 3: Disruptive & Innovative Technologies in Construction and Civil Engineering.
– Topic 4: Smart, Sustainable Cities, Infrastructure and Energy
– Topic 5: AI, Robotics and Automation in Engineering & Construction
– Topic 6: Education and Training, Transformation towards Industry 4.0
Also within the framework of the conference, the Organizing Committee held a exhibition of the winning contests and awarded the "Construction Student Innovation Contest" for 11 research ideas of domestic and international students.
The Conference has ended successfully, all full-text Articles approved after peer review will be published in the Conference Proceedings published by AIP with Scopus index and ESCI catalog of Web of Science. The Conference organizers will work with the International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation (Emerald Publishing, cataloged by the Scopus and WoS-ESCI databases) to edit special issues for high quality articles selected in the Conference.
The promotion of the application of digital technology in the construction sector is attracting great attention from the Government, through a series of decisions related to the application of BIM, one of the most prominent digital solutions for construction investment projects issued in recent years. On March 17, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 258/QD – TTg approving the roadmap for applying BIM construction information in construction activities - since 2023, BIM must be applied for grade-1 and special-grade works of new construction investment projects using state capital until 2025, BIM will be compulsory for grade-2-or-higher works for new construction projects investment used the state budget. |
Some pictures of the presentations in the conference:
Đăng Được - Phòng TT&TS
Đăng Được - HUCE